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Legislation and secondary law

The legal framework for electronic communications services is influenced by Directives of the European Union. Having signed the Agreement on the European Economic Area Iceland has made a commitment to adopt all of the Directives of EU in the fields of electronic communications services. The Electronic Communications Act and the Act on the ECOI, implement the major provisions of the EU Communications Directive package of 2002.  The Act contains a number of provisions either mandating or authorizing the Minister of higher education, science and innovation to issue regulations to complement the Acts. In some cases the ECOI is either mandated or authorized to issue rules about the implementation of certain aspects of the Acts.

A list of Acts, regulations and rules in force follows with the appropriate web links. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of English texts after translation as they are unofficial. Legal authenticity remains with the original Icelandic versions.

Electronic Communications Office of Iceland (ECOI)

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Icelandic version the latter shall prevail.

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Icelandic version the latter shall prevail.

Rulings Committee

Decisions of the ECOI may be referred to the Rulings Committee for Electronic Communications and Postal Affairs. A party that has a significant interest to protect can submit a complaint about either procedural matters or the substance of the decision. Complaints must reach the committee within 4 weeks of the date when the party was aware of the decision. Rulings of the committee constitute the final stage at administrative level. The procedures of the committee are determined by the Regulation concerning the Rulings Committee for Telecommunications and Posts, no. 378/1999.

The Minister of higher education, science and innovation appoints the three members of the Appellate Committee and three suppliants, all of them following the nomination by the Supreme Court. The chairman and vice chairman must comply with the competence qualifications applying to Supreme Court judges. The members of the committee are appointed for a period of 4 years.

Complaints to the Rulings Committee may be sent to:

Þórður Bogason hrl. 
Attorneys at Hofdabakki
Hofdabakki 9, 6th Floor
110 Reykjavik

Electronic Communications in general

Electronic Communications Act No. 81, 26 March 2003

  • Act no. 62/2012 amending the Electronic Communications Act and the Act on the Post and Telecom Administration (CERT-IS, operating fee, etc.).

Act on Third-Generation Mobile Telephony, No 8, 15. February 2005

European Regulatory Framework (applies in Iceland)

Rules on indoor cables for electronic communications no. 1111/2015 (Icelandic)

Regulation on the planning and allocation of frequencies no. 1047/2011 (Icelandic)

Regulation on accounting and cost analysis in the operations of electronic communications undertakings no. 564/2011 (Icelandic)

Regulation on electronic communications billing no.526/2011 (PDF)

Regulation regarding Premium rate services, no. 780/2010 ( Icelandic)

Regulation on the protection of information in public communications networks, no 1221/2007 (PDF)

Regulation on on protection, functionality, and quality of IP communications services, no 1223/2007 (PDF)

Regulation regarding Universal Service, no. 1356/2007 (Icelandic)

Rules about General Authorisation to operate electronic communications networks or services, no. 345/2005 (Icelandic)

Regulation about the operations of radio amateurs no. 348/2004 (Icelandic)

Regulation nr. 1303/2017 - Amendment of regulation 348/2004 (Icelandic) (see pdf version for appendix)

Regulation on the operations of electronic communications undertakings domicied in states outside the European Economic Area no. 734/2000 (Icelandic)

Regulation about standardisation in the fields of information technology and telecommunications, no. 35/1995 (Icelandic)

Regulation concerning the operation of radio stations, no. 493/1988 (Icelandic)

Regulation concerning the use of Citizen Band radio stations in the 27 MHz band, no. 2/1987 (Icelandic)

Numbers and frequencies

Rules on structure, assignment and use of numbers, number sequences and addresses in the domain of electronic communications no. 590/2015 (Icelandic)

Rules for number and services portability, no.617/2010 (Icelandic)

Rules for carrier selection and carrier pre-selection in telephone networks,no. 655/2010 (Icelandic)


RED 2014/53 EU - rules for the placing on the market and putting into service of Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment

Marine equipment

Regulation on the safety of fishing vessels of 15 meters in length overall and over, as amended, no 122/2004 (PDF on the web of the Icelandic Maritime Administration)

Regulation concerning the telecommunication equipment and telecommunications to and from Icelandic ships, no. 53/2000 (Icelandic)

Regulation concerning GMDSS radio equipment in ships, no. 513/1998 (Icelandic)

Regulations on emergency beacons on the frequency 121.5 MHz, no 445/1993 (Icelandic)

Regulation on emergency beacons on the frequency 406 MHz, no. 71/1991 (Icelandic)


EEC Decisions

  • ECC/DEC/(07)01 - The harmonized use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation of Material sensing devices using UWB technology. Approved 30 March 2007 - Amended 8 March 2019
  • ECC/DEC/(06)04 - The harmonized use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation of devices using UWB technology in bands below 10.6 GHz.  Approved 24 March 2006 - Amended November 18th 2022.